
Für Bierliebhaber ist Leuven ein wahres Wunderland. Degustieren Sie die leckersten lokalen Biere auf eigene Faust oder mit einem Stadtführer bei einem Spaziergang oder einer Fahrradtour durch die Stadt.

Leuven Beer Adventure

The Leuven Beer Adventure walking routes will lead you to the most charming streets, beer bars and surprising suburbs of Leuven. The cycle routes take you past glistening water and hop-filled landscapes to some extraordinary breweries.

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Leuven BeerWalk

This walk will brings you to 5 local pubs where you will taste an exclusive local beer. The guides combine their knowledge with the city's history. You will receive a tasting glass as a souvenir.

10 people or more: private tasting with guide
6 people or less: public tasting with guide
Language: Dutch, English or French
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